Tips for getting your BAS right
Category : Practice Updates
Some businesses make simple mistakes, others don’t provide up-to-date information and others don’t take advantage of time saving options.
Here’s five tips to help you save time and get things right the first time:
- Lodge all your outstanding activity statements. The ATO can’t process refunds until all your lodgements are up-to-date.
- Fill in the contact telephone number and name of the person who completed the BAS. The ATO can then check any small details quickly and easily over the phone.
- Make sure the ATO have your latest financial institution details. Without this information the ATO can’t issue your refunds. You can update your details online or phone 13 92 26.
- Leave paper behind and lodge online. If you do lodge online, don’t send a paper copy as well – this can cause delays in processing.
- Check all the amounts you’ve filled in:
- the right amounts are at the right labels
- you’ve transferred amounts correctly to the summary section
- all your additions are correct.
If you require any assistance with preparation of your BAS please contact our office.