ATO Extends Due Dates…
Category : Uncategorised
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has announced that it will grant a lodgment and payment deferral to taxpayers impacted by the recent catastrophic bushfires in New South Wales and Queensland.
If you live in one of the identified impacted postcodes, the ATO will automatically defer any lodgments or payments you have due. Nobody needs to apply for a deferral – it will be automatically applied. Income tax, activity statement, SMSF, FBT and excise return lodgments, and their associated payments, will be deferred until 28 May 2020.
If you’ve been affected by this disaster but your postcode is not in the current postcodes list, don’t worry. You can phone the ATO’s Emergency Support Infoline on 1800 806 218 for help.
Please note, postcode 4350 is included in the impacted postcodes.