The basic rules for claiming deductions are that you first must have made that purchase in the course of earning your income and it must be claimed in the same financial year as when you income was earned. You also need to be able to substantiate your claim with written evidence and you cannot claim a deduction for something you have been reimbursed for or will be in the future. Following in a list of work related expense deductions that you may be entitle to claim;
- Clothing, Laundry and Dry Cleaning Expenses – do you wear a uniform with a logo? Do you wear protective clothing?
- Motor Vehicle Expenses – do you carry tools to work? Do you travel between workplaces? You can claim vehicle expenses directly connected to your work. Please note that travel from your home to work is not deductible.
- Home Office Expenses – you may be entitled to claim computer, phone or other electronic devices you are required to use for work purposes.
- Self-Education Expense – If your study is work-related i.e. to help you further in your career you may be entitled to a deduction for costs over $250
- Tools, Equipment and other assets – if you buy any tools or equipment to assist in your earnings, you can claim a deduction for some or all of these costs. Note any asset purchased over $300 will be depreciated.